High-tech visualization of a brain
Community Psychological Services (CPS)

Community Psychological Services (CPS) is an outpatient, community mental health clinic located at the Scott Center for Autism Treatment.

The overall mission of CPS at the Scott Center for Autism Treatment is three-fold:

  1. To provide multidisciplinary treatment services (implement research-based practice, partner with schools and families, and collaborate with other professionals),
  2. Provide closely supervised training of the graduate students in the doctoral program of clinical psychology, and
  3. Data collection for research.

CPS is structured in the clinical curriculum, as the initial 2-(consecutive) semester practicum that graduate students in clinical psychology (Student Therapists) will encounter. The staffing of the clinic consists of the Director of Psychological Services (faculty member), a Graduate Student Assistant (GSA), Supervisors (clinical faculty members), Student Therapists (graduate students in the clinical psychology program), and an Administrative assistant. 

Student clinicians completing practicum at CPS work directly with faculty supervisors who are licensed psychologists with many years of practice and various experiences within our field. Student clinicians and supervisors engage in weekly group supervision with supervisors and one-on-one supervision with peer supervisors. In addition, supervisors are available to provide timely individual supervision for clinical questions when the need arises. Supervisors work closely with student clinicians to ensure best practice and training of students. Supervision teams consist of three to four student clinicians, a supervisor, and peer supervisors. These small supervision teams allow for individualized supervision that fosters our students clinical growth.

CPS is equipped to facilitate this growth through the utilization of audio-video recording. Therapeutic services are recorded (with client consent) and utilized throughout supervision. This allows students to demonstrate their skills to supervisors while simultaneously receiving feedback that enhances therapeutic growth. Additionally, an on-site psychologist is present at CPS during scheduled intervention hours. Student clinicians may consult with the on-site psychologist as needed.

Electronic medical records are utilized at CPS in order to provide students with efficient and timely documentation. Electronic medical records allow for accessibility of charts for easy documentation while simultaneously ensuring client confidentiality. Student clinicians work with a plethora of documents, including intake documents, progress notes, assessment reports, discharge summaries, and more. Through exposure to these documentation materials, student clinicians improve clinical writing skills.

At CPS students also are provided with the opportunity to learn the administrative side of therapeutic practice through involvement with administrative endeavors! Moreover, at CPS, student clinicians have the opportunity to work with 200+ assessments. These assessments are available for student clinician utilization as clinically indicated. Moreover, outcome questionnaires are administered to clients at each appointment. This allows student clinicians to assess client progress, risk factors, and other important targets for treatment. Additionally, outcome questionnaires can be utilized therapeutically with clients to encourage continued growth and to demonstrate client progress.

To provide supportive, innovative training to enhance graduate students’ development of knowledge and skills, this clinic is committed to providing a practicum site where challenge is coupled with encouragement in a psychologically sophisticated atmosphere.